Pool Rules
Approved by the Greenbriar Pool Club, Inc. Board of Directors, July 2023



  1. All members and their guests will check-in using Member Splash at the entrance every time they enter. Any fraudulent behavior related to the Member Splash Account, check-in, or pool access will result in the loss of pool privileges.

  2. Upon exiting the pool, please check out at the front desk so the pool can maintain an accurate patron count.

  3. Admission shall be refused to all persons having: an infectious, communicable or contagious disease, colds, sore or inflamed eyes, nasal or ear discharges, open sores or cuts. Individuals who appear intoxicated, under the influence, or otherwise incapacitated shall be denied admission.

  4. Only authorized staff members are allowed in the filter rooms, chemical storage rooms, snack bar, guard room, first aid station and manager's office.


  1. All bathers must wear a bathing suit.

  2. NO street footwear on the pool deck.

  3. NO life rings, inner tubes, or other floatable toys are permitted in the main pool during normal operating hours.

  4. Fins, mask and snorkel are permitted in lap lanes only.

  5. Only U.S. Coast Guard approved flotation devices may be used by children along with close (one arm's length or less) adult supervision. Individuals with physical disabilities may use such flotation devices at any time. 

  6. The management company is authorized to suspend the use of flotation devices and fins when they believe the pool is crowded and safety may be compromised.


All fees, dues, charges, and damage to Club property caused by a member/renter, a member of his family, and/or his guest shall constitute a lien against his membership. An open balance on any membership prevents all associated members from using the pool until the balance is paid in full. 


Greenbriar Pool Club is a private club. Greenbriar Pool will prosecute trespassers to the fullest extent of the law. Any person who shall use or attempt to use the Club facilities at any time other than when it is officially open shall be subject to prosecution. 


Adults are defined as persons being eighteen (18) years of age or older.


  1. The Club will close whenever an on-duty lifeguard hears thunder or sees lightning. In the event of lightning or thunder, swimming and diving is suspended for a period of 30 minutes following the last lightning bolt or thunderclap. Members may wait in their cars until the pool re-opens and members without access to a car may wait in the front entry area. 

  2. NO swimming or diving allowed until the lifeguard chairs are staffed and the whistle is blown.


Designated lap lanes are to be used only for swimming laps.


  1. All bathers must take a soap shower and use the foot-spray where required before entering the pool area.

  2. NO spouting of water and other unhygienic actions.

  3. NO running, pushing, wrestling, disorderly conduct, public displays of affection, or offensive language (including hate speech).

  4. NO glass containers, animals, chewing gum, chewing tobacco, snuff, skate boards, intoxicants, or alcoholic beverages on pool deck or on premises (except as authorized by County Permit for special activities).

  5. Food, candy, and soft drinks may be consumed in designated areas only.

  6. Use of tobacco products or smokeless cigarettes (e-cigs/personal vaporizers) is prohibited everywhere in the facility except for the designated smoking area. .

  7. All refuse must be deposited in the appropriate receptacles.

  8. NO reserving deck chairs. 

  9. Socializing with the lifeguards on duty is prohibited. The guards are on duty at all times and should not be engaged in casual or social conversation on the deck or in the office.

  10. Audio devices must be used with headphones.

  11. Lifeguards and staff have the right to make value judgments on safety.

  12. Members are responsible for the behavior of their children and their guests.

  13. Gas cooking grills are available for use and shall be cleaned after using.

  14. Lifeguards’ decisions are considered final. Direct any disputes to the manager on duty.

  15. NO one shall enter the pool until the lifeguard chairs are staffed and the whistle is blown.

  16. Injuries occurring within the Club facility must be reported to the lifeguard or manager on duty immediately.

  17. Pool Management is authorized to close the pool whenever necessary.

  18. Internet accessible devices, including personally owned computers, tablets and phones, shall not be used on pool property to access and view pornography or other material that is incompatible with a family environment.

  19. Use of audio or visual recording devices, including cell phones, is prohibited in changing areas, rest rooms or locker rooms. 

  20. NO inappropriate sexual conduct or advance, or other inappropriate oral, written, visual (including through social media), or physical conduct of a sexual or abusive nature at any time directed toward any member or other person.

  21. All persons must comply with pool restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  22. All persons must be respectful of other persons desire for social distancing


  1. Diving has inherent risks which may result in serious injury; your participation in diving is done at your own risk. 

  2. Back dives or flips from the side of the pool are prohibited.

  3. The diving board may be closed at any time and closure is at the discretion of the management and/or lifeguards.

  4. Only one person is permitted on the diving board at a time.

  5. Divers must wait until the proceeding diver has cleared the area before getting onto the diving board. It is the responsibility of the diver on the board to ensure the dive area is clear of people or obstructions prior to diving.

  6. Divers must swim directly to the nearest ladder and leave the pool.

  7. Divers must dive straight off the end of the board; jumping or diving towards the pool walls or rope floats is prohibited.

  8. Double-bouncing or continuous bouncing on the board is prohibited.

  9. Objects worn or held by a diver diving from the board are prohibited.

  10. Divers may not purposefully cause the diving board to touch or to be submerged into the water.


  1. All children thirteen (13) years of age or under must be accompanied by an adult member after 7:00 p.m.

  2. All children ten to twelve (10 -12) years of age must be accompanied by an adult member at all times unless certified as "Swim Safe".

  3. All children nine (9) years of age or under must be accompanied by an adult member at all times.

  4. Children thirteen (13) years of age or under who are not certified as “Swim Safe” may use the dive well of the pool only if they are participating in swim team practice, or if they are receiving a private swim lesson from an instructor who is lifeguard-certified.

  5. Children seven (7) years of age or under who are not certified as swim safe may use the main pool only if accompanied in the water by an adult. The adult must be actively supervising the child(ren) and be close enough to assist the child (within arm's reach).

  6. Wading pool and playground(s) are restricted to children seven (7) years of age or under. An adult must supervise them at all times.

  7. Children who are not toilet trained must wear tight-banded plastic pants over swim diapers. Check your child's diapers often; accidents cause the entire pool to be closed to all swimmers for several hours.


  1. Children between ages 10 and 12 who are certified as "Swim Safe" may use the pool without an accompanying adult.  To achieve this certification, the child must demonstrate to a lifeguard that he/she can swim 25 meters (1 length of the pool) without stopping and tread water for 60 seconds. 

  2. The "Swim Safe" test is administered upon request during the next available break.

  3. A child may take only one “Swim Safe” test per day.

  4. If a child requires intervention by a lifeguard that results in an incident report during a “Swim Safe” test, that child may not attempt the test again for the following six (6) calendar days.

  5. The "Swim Safe" test is an annual certification. Until reaching the age of 13, a child who previously passed the "Swim Safe" test, must do so every year in order to use the pool without an accompanying adult. 


  1. Do not shoot the basketball from the pool deck.

  2. Do not bounce the basketball on the pool deck.

  3. Do not touch the rim or the backstop.

  4. No roughhousing or physical contact between players.

  5. Leave the basketball in the water during the scheduled breaks


  1. The pool will be closed for the last (15) minutes of every hour for adult/family swim. Swimmers must be 18 years or older, except as noted below.

  2. Parents and guardians may bring up to two children under 10 years old into the pool during this time. They must remain in the wings of the pool and not interfere with adult activity and relaxation. U.S. Coast Guard approved flotation devices and kick boards are the only permitted 'accessories' for these activities.

  3. When the whistle sounds fifteen (15) minutes before pool closing time and the guards announce the pool is closing, everyone should exit the water and the pool deck and make their way out through the restrooms to the pool parking lot so that the gates can close on time.


  1. An adult member must accompany guest(s) at all times. It is the member's responsibility to see that the guest(s) knows and follows the pool rules.

  2. The rules applying to children apply to children guests as well. These rules require an adult member for guests under 10, and swim safe certification or an adult member for guests between 10 and 12.

  3. A membership unit may escort a maximum of six guests at one time, unless they have made a reservation in advance for a party.

  4. Guest credits must be purchased by the member in advance using Member Splash.

  5. Hired caregivers for whom the long-term guest fee is paid may accompany and supervise the minor children of registered members.


  1. Bicycles must be parked in the designated portion of the parking lot. 

  2. Skateboards, scooters and rollerblades are NOT allowed in the pool area. Scooters must be parked in the bicycle portion of the parking lot.

  3. Motor vehicles using the parking lot must be operated in a prudent manner. All vehicles must park in designated parking areas only. Vehicles parked outside designated areas are subject to towing at the owner’s expense.

  4. Parking space(s) designated Handicapped are to be used only by vehicles that display an officially issued parking permit.

  5. NO skateboarding, rollerblading or the use of scooters in the designated parking lots.


Park strollers in designated areas. Strollers are not allowed on the main pool deck for safety reasons. 

POOL MANAGEMENT is authorized to close the pool whenever necessary.


Violations of the rules may result in suspension of membership privileges for various periods of duration at the discretion of the Board of Directors.  In extreme cases, as determined by the Board of Directors, repeat or egregious violations may result in revocation of membership.

If a membership unit’s privileges have been suspended, no member of the associated family unit may enter the pool as the guest of another member during the suspension period.