Greenbriar Pool Club - In The Know-Week of 6.9.24

The wood carpet (fine mulch) was installed in the small kid's playground, and at first, we were taken aback by the large amount of dust that came with it.  But we washed it down with a water spray and the rainstorms we had have cleaned it up and the dust problem is much reduced.  We will keep an eye on it.  The previous covering was a rubber product but that got very hard with exposure to our weather and we're hoping that the new carpet will require less maintenance to keep the playground safe.
The new low board has been popular, but we want to be sure that nobody bounces on it so hard that the tip of the board gets submerged in the water - that can make the board slippery at exactly the wrong time.  We had a bicycle lock on the fulcrum to prevent it being moved back to make the board bouncy outside of dive practice but that lock set didn't last long, and people were still moving the fulcrum.   So we are probably going to put a chain around the fulcrum and attach it to the frame.  The dive coaches and the guard staff will have the key to unlock the fulcrum, but anybody else who deliberately tries to move the fulcrum or double-bounce or submerge the board tip will lose their dive well privileges for some time.  We hate to do this, but the alternative is to put a shorter 14-foot board on that stand which will naturally be less bouncy.   So please, enjoy the new low board, but be careful while you do so.
Two more pieces of bad news.   We had an incident where some guests were using racial epithets in the pool and in the big playground.  This is completely unacceptable, of course.   Members are reminded - you are responsible for the behavior of your guests, and any discipline that results from that behavior will apply to the host membership.  We can certainly eject the guests, but that will often mean ejecting the host member(s) as well.   So don't bring guests to the pool unless you're confident they will behave.  Additionally, we had a couple of incidents where non-members tried to enter the pool by climbing the fence over by the dumpster and the small playground.   Anyone who trespasses is going to be ejected and we will not hesitate to get the police involved should this problem continue. Any member who assists or encourages this trespassing will lose pool privileges for a time, and may even lose their membership.
For a more pleasant tone, let's look at the week ahead. We have a home dive meet against Highland Park on Thursday the 13th, with a Swim Pep Rally on Friday the 14th, and our first home swim meet (against Brookfield) on Saturday Morning (15th).   And our next board meeting will take place at Chantilly Regional Library on Tuesday, June 18th at 7:30 PM.  Anyone who wishes to address the board on any topic should send an email message to asking to be added to the agenda and a sentence describing the topic.  Keep an eye on the pool calendar on our web page as any new or changed events will be reflected there.
Be safe and enjoy our pool!

Greenbriar Pool Club- In the Know

We had a terrific opening weekend at the pool - the weather cooperated, and while there was a brief wait in the mornings, we never reached our capacity limits and the guard staff got everyone checked in smoothly.  The board and NVPools staff did a lot of work getting the pool ready to open, with all the furniture out, the new ADA tables installed, the new kid's playset ready, and the deck pressure washed.   We had good use of the side lot courts, our new pool basketball hoop, and the new low diving board.   The guards conducted a LOT of swimsafe tests, and the member parents did an outstanding job of watching over their non-swimmer children.  We had no incidents of any significance during our opening weekend.  The snack bar did well and the new items were quite popular.  
Looking at the week ahead, we'll have the wood carpeting (fine mulch) installed in the small playground on Monday morning before the pool opens, and next Saturday the swim team will be having their time trials in the morning until noon.  And of course, guests are welcome at the pool - the next "no guests" day will be on the 4th of July, and the policy applies ONLY to the 4th, guests are permitted on other days.
Be safe and enjoy our pool!